Operation Jackpot: cover-up alleged

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MPs and political activists have criticised the decision of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to prosecute only two of the 46 Stoke Newington police officers under investigation for planting drugs, assaulting suspects and criminal damage.

The CPS decision follows a three year police investigation, codenamed Operation Jackpot, into 130 incidents of corruption that included drug dealing. The investigation is understood to have recommended that ten policemen involved in the incidents should face criminal charges. The two officers charged are PC Ronald Palumbo and Detective Constable Barry Lyons who have been charged with conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. Both have been suspended since 1992. The CPS said that there was "insufficient evidence to charge any other officers." The decision was condemned by the Hackney Community Defence Association, who said that the decision "was an insult to the community. Local MP, Diane Abbott, also criticised the decision, calling it a cover-up.

Independent 27.7.94.; Voice 2.8.94.

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