Photographs on driving licences

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Photographs on driving licences
bacdoc November=1991

Department of Transport press release 25 March 1991


A proposal to include a photograph on British driving licences
were announced today by the Department of Transport. Christopher
Chope, Minister for Roads Traffic, said:

"The driving licence is an important document, its loss and
fraudulent misuse by an unscrupulous finder can cause
severe difficulties for the owner and the absence of a
photograph may make it difficult for the police when they
are trying to establish a driver's identity.

"Great Britain is one of the few countries in the world
which does not have a photograph on the driving licence.
Yet, nowadays, many people routinely use documents such as
work passes, bus passes and rail season tickets that carry
photographs to identify the holder. A driving licence with
a photograph would assist in the same way.

"Developing technology will enable the Driver and Vehicle
Licensing Agency in Swansea to attach a photograph to a
driving licence easily and securely at a modest additional

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