Police jailed for beating black man (1)

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Police jailed for beating black man
artdoc June=1992

PC Alec Mason, known among his colleagues as the `King of the
Beat', was jailed for two and a half years at the Old Bailey
following a vicious attack on an innocent black motorist in
Tooting, south London in January 1990. A second officer, PC Gavin
Larter, who was present during the attack, was jailed for four
months after pleading guilty to perverting the course of justice
by falsifying his record of the incident. Two other constables,
PCs Toby Fletcher and Kevin Lucking received three month
suspended sentences. Other officers, of senior rank, took part
in the cover-up but were not prosecuted according to Judge
Lawrence Varney.
The motorist, 25 year old Harold Benn, was initially stopped
for speeding but when a breath test proved negative he was
arrested on suspicion of having a stolen car. Reinforcements were
called and about 20 police officers surrounded him when he
protested his innocence. He was handcuffed and thrown face down
into the back of a police van where PC Mason repeatedly stamped
on his head and shouted racist abuse. During the journey to
Tooting police station he was repeatedly kicked, punched and
stamped on. Mr Benn was eventually released after he was found
to be the legal owner of the car. He immediately lodged a
After the event PCs Mason, Larter and Fletcher conspired to
falsify their notes of the arrest by accusing Benn of trying to
bite them and omitting any mention of the attack.
Following the verdict at the Old Bailey Benn claimed that there
were other officers present when he was arrested who didn't
appear before the court. He also observed that: `You have to look
into the police force and get rid of crime there, before you can
tackle crime on the street.'
Guardian 28.3.92; Independent 17.3.92, 28.3.92; South London
Press 31.3.92.

Statewatch, vol 2, no 3, May-June 1992

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