Police - new material (1)
01 December 1995
Lines of enquiry Don Dovaston. Police Review 20.1.95. pp16-18, Article on DNA profiling which argues that it will boost crime detection rates.
Every day I spend in prison is a day stolen from my life Raphael Rowe. South London Press 28.10.94. Article by Rowe who was one of three black men convicted of the murder of hairdresser Peter Hurborough in March 1990 despite the fact that the police said that they were looking for two white men and a black man.
A break in the silence Paul Foot. Guardian Weekend 25.2.95. James Hanratty was hanged for the A6 murder 23 years ago. This piece examines the ongoing campaign to establish his innocence.
Security check Colin Fry. Police Review 17.3.95. pp27-28. This article advocates allowing security firms to vet their employees through the Police National Computer.
Internal Affairs Malcolm Watson. Police Review 10.3.95. pp18-20. Argues against the need for an "independent element" in dealing with complaints against the police.
General assembly report: on the Interpol annual meeting in 1993
International Criminal Police Review November-December 1993 no 445. Includes articles on: International illicit drug traffic and Currency counterfeiting and economic and financial crime.
Who killed Patrick Quinn? The Framing of Malcolm Kennedy Hackney Community Defence Association Colin Roach Centre 10a Bradbury Street London N16 8JN. 86 pages 3.00. The case of Malcolm Kennedy sent to prison for nine years on a manslaughter charge for the killing of Patrick Quinn in Hammersmith police station. Kennedy gave evidence in court of seeing police officers assaulting Quinn.
The private security industry Chief Constable John Stevens, Policing Today vol 1 no 3 pp7-10.
The "Interior Case" Manuel Cerd n and Antonio Rubio. Publishing House: Edicones Temas de Hoy Madrid 1995 436 pages 2 400.= Pesetas. Journalistic account of the corrupt connections of the Spanish Ministry of the Interior covering the sudden enrichment of Luis Rold n (former director of the Guardia Civil) and other top people who according to the authors were appropriating funds reserved for police undercover work for years.
Culture's consequences and the police: Cross-border cooperation between police forces in Germany Belgium and the Netherlands
J Soeters G Hofstede M van Twuyer. Policing & Society vol 5 no 1 1995 pp1-14.
Parliamentary debates
Police grant Commons 31.1.95. cols. 955-981 Wiltshire police force Commons 28.2.95. cols. 951-958