Policing London 1982-8 (Vol.no.in brackets) (790)
01 January 1991
Policing London 1982-8 (Vol.no.in brackets)
refdoc May=1991
Women, (I), 1, 8; 7, 6; 8, 7; (II), 37
- & policing, (II), 11, 52-3; (III), 2-3, 35, 116-7, 121; (IV) 10,65,
74, 106-7; (V), 49-50
- in the police, (III), 35; supplement no 3: (IV), 106-7
- sexual attacks, (I), 3, 2
- & violence, (II), 52-3
- women against rape, (I), 1, 9; 4, 10
- women's aid, (I), 1, 8
- Supplements, No 1: rape, domestic violence, Kings Cross
Women's Centre, GLC display, Haringev video, women's
safety, (III), 24-5; No 2: immigration law, South London
Hospital, racist attacks, kerbcrawling, Jackie Berkeley,
Lesbians and Policing project, public order, domestic
violence, (III), 56-7; No 3: transport, domestic crime,
police-women, conference on women and policing, (III), 88-9;
No 4: strip searching, rape, immigration law, policewomen,
(IV), 10-1; No 5: Public Order Bill. Met's 'advice', women's
imprisonment. domestic violence, (IV), 48-9; No 6: Mental
Health Act. housing. strip searching, police sex assault,
domestic violence. (IV). 82-3; No 7: Asian death in Holloway,
policewomen. rape victim suites, strip search, self
defence, (V), 6-7
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