Policing - new material (20)

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Fine words can't stop gangsters Fenton Bresler. European, 7.12.95. Feature article by the author of a book on Interpol talks to Raymond Kendall who has been re-elected as Interpol's secretary-general.

East meets West in crime. European Journal on Criminal Policy, vol 3 no 4 1995. Articles in this issue include: European Prison Rules in Central and Eastern Europe: progress and problems R Walmsley pp73-90; On judicial mutual assistance in criminal matters between the states of Western and Eastern Europe Peter Wilkitzki pp91-98.

On the ball Keith Potter. Police Review 5.1.96. pp19-20. Short piece on police preparations for the Euro "96 football championships.

Keeping an eye on Eastern Europe Bill Tupman. Policing Vol. 11 No. 4 (Winter) 1995 pp249-260. This article asks whether Western European police forces are "aware of the implications of the insecure border with Eastern Europe?"

Out of the shadows Patrick Hook. Police Review 19.1.96. pp22-23. This article argues for greater protection for police informants while echoing Met Commissioner Paul Condon's hackneyed argument that "the scales of justice have tilted too far in favour of the defendant."

In the forest in the dark John Vidal. Guardian 25.1.96. This is an account by Guardian reporter Vidal of his experiences as a security guard at Newbury where Reliance Security are taking their own kind of "direct action" against anti-road protesters.

Digest 3: information on the Criminal Justice system in England and Wales. Home Office Research and Statistics Department 1995, pp75 + annexes. This digest aims to present "a comprehensive picture of crime and justice in England and Wales". It includes sections on Crime Victims, Offending and Offenders, Police and Court Action, Sentencing Prisons and Parole Reconvictions, Human Resources and Expenditure.

Parliamentary debates

Offensive weapons Commons 26.1.96. cols. 589-618st

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