Policing - new material (22)
01 December 1996
The Federal Future Richard Hughes. Police Review 24.5.97 pp28- 29. Looks at the implications of the Europol Convention from a police perspective.
Police trial of CS for Self-defence in England and Wales 1996, ACPO guidelines for use February 1996 10 pages.
Europeanisation of police and internal security. Brgerrechte & Polizei/CILIP no 53 April 1996 DM 15.50 inc. postage (pay by Eurocheque or giro to CILIP Postbank Berlin account no 29 01 02 bank no (BLZ) 100 100 10. Articles and documents on: the third pillar Europol customs cooperation Interpol and asylum policy. From: CILIP c/o FU Berlin Malteserstr. 74-100, D-12249 Berlin Germany. Tel: 00 49 30 7792462; fax: 00 49 30 7751073.
Intercepting crime Bill Nicholson. Police Review 12.4.96. pp25- 27. A Superintendent with the Devon & Cornwall constabulary explains why he believes phone tapping and other interception techniques should be used more widely.
Stop and Search PAJ Waddington. Police Review 19.4.96. pp16-17, Examines new draconian police powers under the Prevention of Terrorism (Provisional Powers) Act [See Statewatch Vol. 6 no. 2) and proposes their extension to combat "common crime".
Scaling down inquiries Ron Taft. Police Science & Technology Issue 4 (May) 1996 pp6-10. This article examines a new database called Address Point which is based on the Royal Mail Postcode Address File and the Ordnance Survey's Land-Line digital mapping data that will allow police to pinpoint and locate within seconds any postal address in Britain.
A fair cop John Alderson & Paul Donovan. Red Pepper May 1996, pp11-13. Alderson a former Chief Constable of Devon and Cornwall police between 1973-1982 expresses his concerns about the growth of "macho reactionary" policing.
Busted for Drugs-A Geographical Survey. Mixmag issue 60 May 1996. This article covers the unevenness in UK drugs practice, in particular the variance in the chances of being charged for drugs offenses. The statistics which are culled from the Home office are explained using a map with the various regions of England and Wales marked together with the regional statistics. Although Mixmag is primarily devoted to dance music and club culture it becoming a useful source for drugs information.
Using informers Roger Billingsley. Police Review 3.5.96. pp20- 21. This piece looks at the Lincolnshire police and their use of computer technology to manage informers.
The game of tag Colin Sheppard. Police Review 17.5.96. pp22-23. This article reviews electronic "tagging" trials and despite results that verge on the farcical predicts that electronic monitoring will be widely utilised.
Parliamentary debates
The Police Service Lords 1.5.96. cols 1652-1685 WPC Yvonne Fletcher Commons 8.5.96. cols 208-216