Policing - new material (25)

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Crime and policing: an analysis of victimisation and the provision of police service Barry Loveday. University of Portsmouth Occasional Paper No. 3 (July) 1996. Available from Institute of Police and Criminological Studies Ravelin Park, Museum Road Portsmouth PO1 2QQ.

Grass roots Sarah Gibbons. Police Review 21.6.96. pp28-29. Topical piece on the Merseyside police Force Intelligence Bureau (FIB) which was set up in 1994 to train and support police officers dealing with informers. Det Supt John Mawer head of the FIB which has a computerised index of 2000 informers discusses training and "informant management".

Too much police force? Paul Donovan. Guardian 18.9.96 p.21. This piece looks at the introduction of long handled batons and CS gas and asks if they have been sufficiently tested.

The 1996 British Crime Survey: England and Wales. Catriona Mirrlees-Black Pat Mayhew and Andrew Percy. Home Office Statistical Bulletin Research and Statistics Directorate Issue 19/96 24 September 1996.

Sweden : Zero tolerance wins the argument? Leif Lenke and B”rje Olsson. Reprint series no 18. Department of Criminology, Stockholm University S-106 91 Stockholm Sweden. Looks at Swedish drugs policy.

Drug control as a national project: the case of Sweden Henrik Tham. Reprint no 7. Department of Criminology Stockholm University S-106 91 Stockholm Sweden.

Some educational consequences of police reform in the UK Alan Marlow and Pat Beagle. Police Journal Vol LXIX no 4 Oct-Dec 1996 pp311-318.

Testing the open government code of practice. Open government briefing no 1 revised June 1995 10 pages. Campaign for Freedom of Information 88 Old Street London EC1V 9AX.

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