Policing - new material (30)
01 December 1997
PACE Ten years on: a review of research David Brown. Research and Statistics Directorate (Home Office) No. 49 1997 pp4. On the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984.
Security checks Bruce George & Mark Button. Policing Today Vol 3 no 1 March 1997 pp18-21. This article compares Britain's private security industry which is self-regulated (ie unregulated) with other European countries.
The risk business Steve O'Reilly. Policing Today vol 3 no 1,March 1997 pp36-39. Detective constable in the Metropolitan Police Special Branch looks at the policing of Euro "96 and the surveillance of football fans.
Protest action David Rangecroft. Police Review 21.3.97. pp22-23, Based on a talk by head of the Met's Public Order Branch Ch Supt Mike Davies this article identifies three areas that the police hope to develop in countering environmental protests: i. "greater sharing of information between forces"; ii. "develop[ment] of training and tactics...using technology where possible" and iii open[ing] channels to local authority planners, developers and builders.
Freemasonry and the police service. Police Vol. XXIX No. 6 (February) 1997 p23. This article gives the Police Federation's view on freemasons in the police: "...totally committed to maintaining the integrity of the police service". Or to put it another way: "The Police Federation accepts that there is probably a significant number of our members who are freemasons, and we see no good reason why this should be a matter for censure."
Policing the global village Marcia MacLeod. Police Review 7.2.97. pp24-26. Article on Interpol's 177 National Country Bureaux and the programme of modernisation "which will allow even developing countries to access its central database within minutes."