Policing - new material (34)
01 December 1997
Failing intelligence, Sean Howe. Policing Today Vol. 3 no. 2, 1997, pp23-25. Following criticism of intelligence research by Colin Phillips Chief Constable of Cumbria police and chair of ACPO's cross-border crime working group, the author proposes a model based on Dutch Strategic Intelligence Research (SIR).
Watching the detectives Peter Knight. Police Review 11.7.97, pp22-23. This article argues for an independent legal body to oversee the use of covert and surveillance operations.
Police cautioning in the 1990s Roger Evans and Rachel Ellis, Research Findings No. 52 (Home Office Research and Statistics Directorate) 1997. Examines the impact of the 1994 Home Office circular on cautioning.
Swiss challenges: the response of the police of Geneva Dilip K Da & Andre Kuhn. Police Journal Vol. LXX No. 3 (July-September) 1993 pp243-257. This article considers papers presented at the International Police Executive symposium in Geneva in May 1994 and goes on to discuss the "structure leadership function, community involvement and training programmes" of the Swiss police.
Tracking terrorists caught in the web Professor Francis Spranza, International Police Review September/October 1997 p39. This article by the head of the US Spranza International ("consultants to governments law enforcement and special security units") sees the Internet as a potential "prime source of intelligence data as well as a key in establishing covert conducts with terrorist cell members." Not surprisingly one of the first steps in this process is to "hire a private consulting firm..."
Federal Republic of Germany: Continuing pattern of police ill- treatment amnesty international July 1997 pp43. This report provides further evidence supporting the findings of the 1995 report Failed by the system - police ill-treatment of foreigners that there is a clear pattern of police ill-treatment of foreigners and members of ethnic minorities. The report examines in detail individual cases but also includes summaries of the findings of the investigations in to the Hamburg police force, and of the reports by the Human Rights Committee and the UN Special Rapporteur on torture.
Reform der "Politik Innerer Sicherheit" (Reform of "Internal Security Policy") CILIP no 2 1997. Includes articles on Reforming Security Institutions Rethinking Legislation Police and the Community European Internal Security Documentation on the Privileges and Immunities of Europol and a literature review on alternatives to the present policy.
Parliamentary debate
Youth Crime Lords 2.7.97. cols. 218-252