Policing - new material (8)
01 December 1994
Under siege with the road warriors Conor Foley. New Statesman & Society pp12-13 25.2.94. On the heavy-handed policing of the anti-M11 motorway extension in east London. Operation Bernard cost 200 000 and involved between 700 and 1 000 police officers to evict people from seven houses.
What price protest? Claire Casey. Police Review pp18-19, 25.2.94. On the policing of the anti-M11 motorway protests in east London and the larger issue of policing demonstrations
Commander John Townsend asks whether "a handful of demonstrators...should cost the country so much money" and suggests a review of the role of bailiffs and sheriffs with a possibility of their powers being increased.
A fight to the death Dave Hill. Guardian 5.3.94. A decade after the year long miners' strike to save their jobs and the industry all but 17 of the 170 pits involved have been closed.
Policing into the next century Paul Condon. RUSI Journal 139(1):9-11 1994. The Met. commissioner is optimistic about the future of policing which he argues will "make far more use of intelligence targeting surveillance and technical devices."
Human factors in the quality control of CID investigations, Barrie Irving & Colin Dunnighan. The Royal Commission on Criminal Justice Research Study No. 21 HMSO 1993 pp108 13.
The 1992 British crime survey Pat Mayhew Natalie Aye Maung & Catriona Mirrlees-Black. Home Office Research Study 132 1993 This is the fourth British Crime Survey with the intention of providing an index of the extent of crime and of crime trends.
Time for a change Michael Clarke. Police Review pp14-16, 14.1.94. The results of a Police Review firearms survey that highlights a growing desire for routine arming and a call for more armed response vehicles.
Response of the Finnish government to the report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) on its visit to Finland from 10 to 20 May 1992 144 pages 1993 Council of Europe.
Report to the Dutch government on the visit to the Netherlands carried out by the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) from 30 August to 8 September 1992 65 pages 1993 Council of Europe.
Parliamentary debates
Police and Magistrates' Courts Bill Lords 15.2.94. cols. 101- 159 181-198 & 17.2.94. cols. 292-345 353-414 Criminal Justice and Public Order Bill Commons 21.2.94
cols.23-123 Identity cards Lords 2.2.94. cols. 1352-1368 Police responsibilities and rewards Commons 28.10.93 cols 975- 989