Policing of Scottish anti-BNP rally

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Policing of Scottish anti-BNP rally
artdoc July=1991

500 anti-racist demonstrators in Glasgow were forced to
disperse and 26 of them were arrested as mounted police
escorted 70 members of the British National Party from a city
centre pub to the local police station.
The anti-racist demonstrators, most of them students at
Strathclyde University, were protesting against a BNP meeting,
reportedly being held in a pub. Commenting on the BNP's large
presence on the day of the demonstration, a police spokesman
said, `It's a democratic country.' He also said that all the
sticks and stones had been thrown by anti-racists and that no
BNP member had been arrested.
When asked whether he was prejudiced against the
anti-racists, the police spokesman refused to comment.
(Morning Star 10.12.90)

IRR Police-Media Bulletin no 66. Institute of Race Relations,
2-6 Leeke Street, London WC1X 9HS

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