Prisions in Brief; UK: Campaign Against Prison Slavery.

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The Campaign Against Prison Slavery was launched at a conference in Leeds on 1 February 2003. The Campaign aims to publicise and organise against the modern-day slavery which is embodied in the exploitation of prison labour. The Campaign points out that "In British prisons there have been savage cuts in education budgets over the past half-decade; any pretence at rehabilitating prisoners and empowering them with trade skills has now been abandoned. They are now seen as a readily exploitable work force, a Third World colony in Britain's own backyard, cheap, non-unionised, available and literally compelled to work.. Private companies are making enormous profits from prison labour: £52.9 million in 1999." The Campaign, which aims to have a militant working-class orientation to the issue, began on 5 April by picketing branches of Wilkinsons, a company using prison labour to make stationery and household goods. Successful pickets were held in Brighton, Birmingham, Luton, Leeds and Nottingham. Campaign Against Prison Slavery, The Cardigan Centre, Cardigan Road, LEEDS LS6 1LJ. E-mail:

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