Prisoners regard HMP Parkhurst as "institutionally racist"

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Black and Asian inmates at Parkhurst prison regard the jail as "institutionally racist" according to a report by Anne Owers, the Chief Inspector of Prisons. Conditions were found to have deteriorated at the 500-inmate jail since the previous visit two years previously. Ms Owers said:

It does not appear that Parkhurst has properly adjusted to its role as a training, rather than a high security dispersal, prison.

Inspectors found newly arrived prisoners and those seeking protection, including young adults on remand, were held with disturbed and difficult inmates in the segregation unit. Black and minority ethnic prisoners "felt powerless." There was no race relations officer, a race relations management team which had not met for 11 months, and no information about racial incidents investigated over the previous six months.

In a high court decision in June 2003, four Parkhurst prisoners - Patrick Petrie, Paul O Toole, Darren Nash and Robert Kakoo, received punitive damages after suing the Home Office for assault, malfeasance and malicious prosecution. In June 1997, Petrie and his fellow prisoners were moved to the segregation unit at Parkhurst after a negotiated end to a stand-off between staff and the prisoners following an assault on Petrie by prison staff. All four were assaulted by staff in the segregation unit - Petrie was punched, kicked and beaten with a riot shield, his co-claimants were variously tormented by having their testicles squeezed and having food and water thrown at them. Kakko, Petrie and Nash were then charged with grievous bodily harm with intent, violent disorder and affray. After being acquitted in 1999 they began their civil action.

The Prisoners Advice Service commented:

We receive constant complaints from prisoners at HMP Parkhurst, the majority of which concern arbitrary or extended detention in the segregation unit, the conditions of segregation and the treatment of prisoners there. In particular we receive repeated complaints about racism and would concur with the description in the recent Inspectors report that HMP Parkhurst is "institutionally racist”.

MOJUK; BBC News Online 4.6.03; HM Prisons Inspectorate; Guardian 1.7.03

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