Prisons - new material (15)

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Prison Watch press releases no 143 146 & 149. Prison Watch November 1995. These press releases cover the inquests of \David Garment Thomas Inglis Paul Egan and immigration detainee Mutaval Massanthan. No. 146 covers the Chief Inspectors report on HMP Stafford.

Locked into conflict Stephen Shaw. Guardian 25.10.95. Piece on the conflict between the former director-general of the Prison Service Derek Lewis and Home Secretary Michael Howard.

Political prisoners David Rose. Observer 22.10.95. On the sacking of the director-general of the Prison Service Derek Lewis.

Mentally disturbed prisoners. NACRO Policy Paper 4 and The resettlement of mentally disturbed prisoners. NACRO Policy Paper 5 2 each + 50p post. These reports are critical of recent changes in housing benefit rules and restrictions on home leave from prison and argues that the Probation Service is failing in its duty to provide thorough care to prisoners and those on remand.

Bail: some current issues. Penal Affairs Consortium 1995 pp12. This report argues that the government's decision to restrict bail under the Criminal Justice Act 1993 has led to an alarming increase in remand prisoners.

Conviction Newsletter 14 1995. This issue covers the trial of Dave Bowen the entrapment of Mohammed Riaz the case of Terry Thornton and a section on "Advice to framed prisoners".

Parliamentary debates

Prison security: Learmont report Lords 16.10.95. cols. 600-614 Prison service Commons 16.10.95. cols. 30-43 Home Secretary (Prison Service) Commons 19.10.95 cols. 502-551

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