Prisons - new material (16)

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Use of mechanical restraints by prisons. Howard League 1995 pp11. This report concludes that "mechanical restraints are used too frequently inside prisons and during escorts." and recommends that "their use should be time limited and very carefully monitored." Available from The Howard League 708 Holloway Road, London N19 3NL.

Outside help: practical information for the families and friends of people in prison. National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders 1995 pp44. This booklet provides useful information on "Keeping in touch", Money Accommodation, Information on release and "Prisoners in police cells". Available from NACRO 169 Clapham Road London SW9 0PU.

Prisons - some current events. Penal Affairs Consortium 1996 pp7. Looks at "Rising numbers" Security measures and the Learmont Report". Available from: 169 Clapham Road London SW9 0PU.

Sentencing and early release: the Home Secretary's proposals, Penal Affairs Consortium December 1995 pp7. This report estimates that the prison population would increase by nearly 30 000 under the Home Secretary's proposed tougher laws on sentencing and early release.

Prison Watch press release no. 158. Prison Watch 28.12.95. This press release documents 74 deaths in prisons during 1995. It also examines the records of prison deaths over the past 5 years and particularly condemns Liverpool prison for "a gross failure of management."

Driving forces behind prison growth: the mass media Thomas Mathiesen. Paper by Professor of the Sociology of Law at Oslo University published by The Sentencing Project 918 F St N.W., Suite 501 Washington DC 20004 USA.

Parliamentary debates

Prison Service Security Lords 13.12.95. cols. 1328-1366 Holloway Prison Commons 9.1.96. cols. 19-25 Violence in teenage institutions Lords 10.1.96. cols. 186-220 Women in prison Commons 24.1.96. cols. 265-285

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