Prisons - new material (24)

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Grieving twin fights police for answers David Rose. Observer 2.3.97. Detailed account of the brutal death of Leon Patterson whose bloody and battered body was found in a prison cell after six days in the custody of Greater Manchester police (see Statewatch Vol. 6 no. 6). Nearly 5 years after his death and one policeman has been "informally disciplined by way of advice".

Deaths in prison 1996. Prison Watch February 1997. Detailed breakdown of deaths in prison during 1996 which includes a breakdown by category (ie Young Offenders Women Lifers) and a breakdown of deaths in prison in 1997.

Prison Watch. Press releases 191-193 (February-March) 1997. These press releases cover the self-inflicted death of Katherine Woods (Hmp Risley 19.8.96.) and the inquest into Philip Wood (who died at Hmp Glen Parva 19.10.96). Release 193 deals with the unprecedented rise in suicides of young offenders (5 in the first two months of 1997) and calls for "a drastic reduction of youth imprisonment."

Special security Units: Cruel inhuman or degrading treatment, Report by Amnesty International on the UK Prison Service use of Special Security Units (SSUs). March 1997 10 pages.

Parliamentary debates

Prisons (Alcohol Testing) Bill Commons 28.2.97. cols. 529-551

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