Prisons - new material (25)

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Wolds remand prison - an evaluation Keith Bottomley Adrian James Emma Clare & Alison Liebling. Research Findings (Home Office Research & Statistics Directorate) No. 32 1996 pp4.

Reducing re-offending. Penal Affairs Consortium May 1997 pp8. This PAC briefing proposes a strategy to reduce prisoner's from re-offending. They argue that the government should: a) make greater use of community supervision b) improve prisoners preparations for release and c) establish a comprehensive network of resettlement facilities.

Prison Watch. Press release 201 (30.5.97.). This press release covers the inquest into the suicide of 19-year old Neil Short who died at Hmp Exeter in October 1996. It calls for "full suicide prevention procedures and training to be Exeter prison."

Deaths in prison 1997. Prison Watch May 1997. Detailed breakdown of 41 deaths in prison until April 1997. Available from Pete Moore fax 01332 756158.

Prison Privatisation Report International Nos. 9 & 10 (April-May) 1997. These issues contain a report on the Home Affairs Committee report on "The management of the Prison Service (Public and Private)" (HC 57-1) which notes a "political convergence" of Conservative and Labour support for further prison privatisation

Additional reports cover Wakenhut Correction Corporation and Wold's prison.

Parliamentary debates

Prison and Probation Services Lords 9.6.97. cols. 808-826

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