Prisons - new material (33)

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Age limits for babies in prison: some lessons from abroad, Diane Caddle. Research Findings (Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate) No. 80, 1998 pp4. This study is based on a survey of prison provision facilities in various countries.

HIV/AIDS risk behaviour among adult male prisoners, John Strang, Joan Heuston, Michael Gossop and Tony Maden. Research Findings (Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate) No. 82, 1998 pp4. Based on a survey of HIV/AIDS "behaviour among adult males...undertaken in 13 prisons in England and Wales."

Prison Privatisation Report International. Prison Reform Trust, Nos. 23 and 24 (September & October) 1998. Both issues contain an ongoing debate on private prisons with a round-up of recent news and information focusing on the UK, USA and Australia.

Briefing: the death in prison of Kenneth Severin 1995 (6pp); the death in prison of Dennis Stevens 1995 (6pp); the death in prison of Alton Manning (pp4). Inquest (1998), ?1 each. Substantial briefings on the ill-treatment and deaths of Kenneth Severin, Dennis Stevens and Alton Manning, three young black men who died while being restrained in prison between October and December 1995. Available from Inquest, Ground Floor, Alexandra National House, London N4 2PJ.

Parliamentary debate

Prison expenditure Lords 20.10.98. cols. 1409-1432

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