Prisons - new material (60)

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Death at the Hands of the State, Professor David Wilson. Howard League for Penal Reform 2005, (ISBN 0909368378-4) £12.95. Primary research and first person accounts of deaths in UK prisons. A valuable resource and a scathing indictment of a system where two people a week take their own lives, and where the murder rate is higher than in the community at large.

Reducing the Prison Population: realistic alternatives, Rosemarie McIlwhan. SCOLAG Journal, June 2005, pp. 120-121. As Scotland's prison population continues to rise, this article considers a report by the Scottish Consortium on Crime and Criminal Justice Reducing the prison population: penal policy and social choices.

Recent developments in prison law - part 1, Hamish Arnott, Simon Creighton & Nancy Collins. Legal Action July 2005, pp. 12-16. Updates on the law relating to prisoners covering recent developments in policy, legislation and case-law regarding life and determinate sentences and parole.

Administrative Law Update - Prisons, Robert Sutherland. SCOLAG Legal Journal, Issue 331 (May) 2005, pp. 106-107, 109. Review of significant cases from Scotland and England.

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