Prisons - new material (69)

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Securing the Future: proposals for the efficient and sustainable use of custody in England and Wales, Lord Carter of Cole. Crown Copyright (December) 2007, pp. 55. This is a government commissioned report on the future of Britain's prisons. Its main recommendations are: an additional 10,500 new prison places by 2014 (costing £1.2 bn); the construction of three "supersize" Titan jails (each holding 2,500 prisoners); restricting indeterminate prison sentences and allowing the release of non-violent prisoners after they have served half their sentence; establishing a sentencing commission. Available as a free download at:

Supported Accomodation Services for Offenders, Steve Kirkwood & Time Richley. SCOLAG Legal Journal Issue 368, pp. 133-152. This article reviews literature on the links between homelessness, offending and imprisonment and available research on the effectiveness of supported accomodation.

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