Prisons - new material (8)
01 December 1994
The Benefits of Home leave for prisoners. Penal Affairs Consortium March 1994. Report from the PAC that argues that "the present system of home leave for prisoners should be simplified, extended and properly financially supported."
Conviction No. 10. Contains an updated report on the appeal of John Brannan and Bernard Murphy and takes up the case of Susan May. Available from PO Box 522 Sheffield S1 3FF.
Consistency in sentencing Various authors. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 2:1 1994. This special issue focuses on European consistency in prison sentencing as adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe in 1992.
The maintenance of security and control in prisons including links with society Arthur de Frisching. Penological Information Bulletin December 1992 pp4-9. Argues that "increasing the amount of contact between prisoners and staff and the wider community ...can improve security and control."
Prison medicine and social justice. Paper by Professor Joe Sim, 29 pages. Institute of Crime Justice and Welfare Studies, Liverpool John Moores University Trueman Building 15-21 Webster Street Liverpool L3 2ET.
Prisons Ombudsman: Sir Peter Woodhead former Deputy Supreme Commander in the Atlantic has been appointed as the first prisons ombudsman. This appointed follows the recommendation of Lord Woolf in 1991 that an independent complaints adjudicator was essential to restore confidence in the prison service after the Strangeways riots. Guardian 20.4.94.
Parliamentary debate
Prison overcrowding Lords 2.2.94. cols. 1269-1306