Prisons: Questions asked after prison suicides

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Prisons: Questions asked after prison suicides
artdoc June=1991

Kenneth Broadbent
A Southwark coroner is calling for quicker responses from
consultant psychiatrists called in to assess prisoners after an
inquest heard that a man with a history of attempted suicide
killed himself in Brixton prison. He had been held there for a
month without receiving psychiatric attention. Kenneth
Broadbent, 38, had already made one suicide attempt after the
court hearing where he was charged with not paying a 10
restaurant bill.
Mr Broadbent was one of thirteen prisoners to commit
suicide in Brixton prison over the past two years. (Independent
7.3.91; Guardian 5.3.91)

Delroy McKnight
A Wandsworth prisoner banged on his cell door for 15 minutes as
his cellmate committed suicide before he was able to attract
the attention of prison officers, an inquest was told.
Prisoner Michael McCarthy told the inquest in London that
he had to watch as his cellmate Delroy McKnight bled to death
from a self-inflicted wound. McKnight was serving 18 months
for burglary and had exhibited noticeable signs of depression
in the weeks prior to his suicide. (Independent 7.3.91)

IRR Police-Media Bulletin no 68. Institute of Race Relations,
2-6 Leeke Street, London WC1X 9HS.

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