Racism and fascism - new material (1)

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BNP forced into third place in south ward by-election. Newham Monitor no 7 Spring 1995. Piece on campaigning against the fascist BNP in the Newham South by-election.

Kicking racism out of football. Labour Briefing 84(4):13-14,1995. A look at the CREs "Kick Racism out of football campaign which has won the support of the Professional Footballers Association but has had only a luke-warm response from the Football Association.

The enemy in our midst: exposing racism and fascism in Newham, Newham Monitoring Project pp24 1. This excellent pamphlet looks at the activities of fascist groups in Newham east London past and present. It catalogues a history of violence points the spotlight on the perpetrators and documents NMPs resistance to the enemy in our midst since 1980.

Labour's pledge to Tower Hamlets. CARF 26:7-8 (June/July) 1995, Looks at Labour Party promises to combat racism in the aftermath of the BNPs campaign in Tower Hamlets, east London.

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