Racism blamed for lack of black police officers
01 January 1991
Racism blamed for lack of black police officers
artdoc July=1991
An insidious form of racism within the ranks of the
Metropolitan police has been blamed for the force's apparent
inability to retain black recruits.
According to an editorial in the Police Federation's
magazine, `Police', black officers should 'emulate the moral
courage of PC Surinder Singh who won his case of racial
discrimination and harassment against the Nottinghamshire
The Singh ruling has compelled the Metropolitan police to
treat seriously race relations between members of its force.
Recently, the Met proposed a 24 hour helpline at Scotland Yard
for officers facing discrimination or abuse.
The Metropolitan police will also try and retain black
recruits who have a drop out rate several times that of their
white counterparts. Of the 42 black officers recruited last
year, 26 dropped out within months of the start of their
training. (Caribbean Times 27.11.90)
IRR Police-Media Bulletin no 66. Institute of Race Relations,
2-6 Leeke Street, London WC1X 9HS