Racism & fascism - in brief (2)

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UK: NF return to Dover: Less than six months after being chased out of Dover, Kent, by anti-fascists the National Front (NF) returned to continue their campaign of violence against Roma asylum-seekers at the end of February (see Statewatch Vol 7, no. 6). Less then forty fascists turned out but, protected by a large police presence, they were able to complete a short march despite being outnumbered by protestors. The fascists also held a minutes silence in memory of Enoch Powell, the notorious Conservative and Unionist MP and racist, whose vitriolic attacks on black immigration were a cornerstone of "Thatcherism" and lent a degree of "respectability" to racism. Twenty four anti-fascists were held for several hours before fourteen were charged with offences ranging from obstruction to assaulting a police officer. Although the NF have little support on the ground they can be expected to increase their activities particularly as their rivals in the British National Party appear to have abandoned the streets to pursue the chimera of electoral success.

UK: Saptal Ram parole rejected: Saptal Ram, who was jailed for murder after defending himself when he came under attack from a gang of six armed racists, had his application for parole turned down last December (see Statewatch, vol 4 no 3 & vol 6, no 6). Saptal, who has regularly challenged his imprisonment, has now served over eleven years in prison and argues that this is effectively a second racist attack upon him. During this time he has been "ghosted" (transferred) from prison to prison fifty-three times, frequently held in solitary isolation and shackled in body belts. Saptal is asking for letters protesting at his treatment to be sent to the Home Secretary, Jack Straw. The Saptal Ram Campaign can be contacted at PO Box 3241, Birmingham B8 3DP. Letter to Community Action Issue 14 (Spring) 1998<

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