Racism & fascism - new material (13)

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The Tory hard Right marches on David Rose & Nick Lowles, Observer 27.2.97. Useful piece on the fortunes of the Conservative Party's "hard right" including Gerald Howarth, Warren Hawksley and Peter Bruinvels as well as former members of the Federation of Conservative Students.

All quiet on the race card front Don Flynn. Chartist No. 166 (May-June) 1996 p15. Article which notes that race was not an issue during the recent UK general election but warns that the Labour government "will have to get serious about black issues".

Connected Issue 3 1997. This is the third issue of the Good Practice Against Racism Network's bulletin. It contains an extensive article on the decision by Labour councils to cut or reduce funding to independent anti-racist police and legal monitoring groups that refuse to "become docile" a piece on the BNP's electoral strategy and a round-up of recent cases and campaigns. Available from: Barry GPARN Sia Winchester House, 9 Cranmer Road London SW9 6EG.

European Race Audit No. 23 (May) 1997 pp26. Indispensable bi- monthly bulletin from the Institute of Race Relations which covers the rise of racism and fascism across Europe.

Nick Griffin...the sting. Searchlight 264 (June) 1997 pp6-15, Extensive piece on the hubris of Nick Griffin former public schoolboy and self-proclaimed UK fuhrer in waiting. Griffin's main contribution to fascism has been to split every organisation that he's been involved in - is he just incompetent or is somebody jerking his chain?

Mission impossible. CARF 38 (June/July) 1997 p14. This piece looks at the (mis)fortunes of the far-right in the UK general election. Compared with the electoral achievements of the main European fascist organisations the BNPs result was pitiful - but then the European outfits don't have leaders quite as hopeless as John Tyndall.

London Update No. 4 (Spring) 1997. This issue looks at racism on the assembly line at Ford's motor plant in Dagenham Essex and has round-ups on racist attacks immigration and policing, Available from the IRR 2-6 Leeke Street London WC1X 9HS.

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