Racism & fascism - new material (2)
01 December 1994
Racism: the destruction of civil and political liberties Conor Foley & Sharron Nelles. National Council for Civil Liberties Report 3 1993 pp60 3. This report concludes by pointing out that "the government is not taking the problem of racial violence seriously nor is it adequately upholding the rights of ethnic minorities to live in a society which respects their most basic human rights."
Race attacks: do we need a new law? Labour Research 83(2):7-10, 1994. A contribution to the debate over the need for a new law to combat harassment and racial attacks.
European unions tackle racism. Labour Research 83(2):11-12 1994
An investigation of what European trade unions have done to fight racism within their ranks.
Newham Monitor No. 4 1994. The quarterly bulletin of the Newham Monitoring Project covers the Tower Hamlets Nine Joy Gardner and nazis in Newham.
The forgotten history of black people's resistance to immigration controls. No one is illegal No. 16 (Spring) 1994.
Fascism and the state in Britain: the case of the British Fascists 1923-31 John Hope. Australian Journal of Politics and History Vol 39 no 3 pp367-380.
Anti-racist law and the travellers (prepared with the Irish Travellers Movement and DTEDG) 1993 3.00; Submission to the UN Human Rights Committee on the First Report by Ireland under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1993, £3.00. Both from: The Irish Council for Civil Liberties 35-36 Arran Quay Dublin 7 Ireland.