Racism & fascism - new material (20)

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Crime and Disorder Act 1998: racially aggravated offences and other provisions in force, Vera Baird & Peter Wilcock. Legal Action January 1999, pp16-18. This article summarises and defines the provisions of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 concentrating on racially aggravated offences (ss29-32), "which are certain existing basic offences made more serious by the presence of racism".

Charter of European political parties for a non-racist society. Dutch National Bureau Against Racial Discrimination, pp32. The charter "appeals to the democratic political parties in the European Union to act responsibly concerning discrimination on the basis of race, ethnic or national origin, and religion." It was drawn up after consultation with these parties and under the auspices of the EU Consultative Committee on Racism and Xenophobia. Available from: LBR, PO Box 517, 3500 Utrecht, Netherlands; E-mail: lbr@xs4all.nl

Proposal to establish a Europe-wide anti-racism network, prepared by Michelynn Lafleche. UK Race & Europe Network, pp16. UKREN was established in the autumn of 1996 and this pamphlet is the conference report from a national roundtable meeting held in Manchester in June 1998 as "part of a Europe-wide consultation process towards establishing a framework for co-operation between ant-racism organisations..." Available from The Runnymede Trust, 133 Aldersgate Street, London EC1A 4JA; E-mail: run1@btinternet.com Connections. Commission for Racial Equality, Winter 1998/99, pp16. Quarterly bulletin from the CRE which contains articles on racial stereotyping, electoral reform and ethnic minorities, the asylum and immigration system and incitement to religious hatred.

White noise: inside the international nazi skinhead scene, Nick Lowles and Steve Silver. Searchlight (London) 1998, pp89. This pamphlet documents the rise of the fascist music enterprise across Europe and the USA. Part One covers the UK scene with chapters on "The Roots of Skinhead Culture", "Blood and Honour 1987-1992" and "ISD Records 1992-1998". The second section covers Germany, Sweden and Poland, as well as the US scene and Internet marketing of white power music. Available from: Searchlight, 37B New Cavendish Street, London W1M 8JR.

European address book against racism. United (Amsterdam) 1999. This is United's annual address book detailing international and national organisations working in the following fields: anti-nationalism, anti-racism, anti-fascism and support for migrants and refugees. Available from UNITED for Intercultural Action, Postbus 413, NL-1000 AK Amsterdam, Netherlands; Tel. +31 20 6834778, Fax +31 20 4834582.

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