Racism & fascism - new material (22)

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Police Vol XXXI no 3 (March) 1999. This is a special issue on the lessons to be learned from the investigation into the racist murder of Stephen Lawrence. It has articles on the MacPherson Report, the work of Scotland Yard's race and violent crime unit, race relations training, institutional racism and interviews with black and Asian police officers and Home Office Minister, Paul Boateng.

Gesundheit als Privileg - rassistische Gesundheitspolitik (Health as a priviledge - racist public health policies). ZAG/Antirassistische Initiative no 31 (July) 1999. Analyses how health policies are used against refugees to discourage immigration. Includes reports on the Netherlands, Italy, Belgium, the US and Germany. Available from: ZAG, Yorckstr. 59, 10965 Berlin, Germany; zag@mail.nadir.org.

Challenging Macpherson, DCC Robert Ayling. Police Review 12.3.99., pp16-18. Article by the police officer responsible for the 1997 investigation into the initial police handling of the Stephen Lawrence racist murder. Rather than dealing with the substantial questions raised by the murder the article takes a fictitious question and answer format (involving questions police officers "may ask") and concludes that the Macpherson report "unfairly brands frontline officers as institutionally racist."

The Roma and the Kosovo Conflict. Shani Rifati. CovertAction Quarterly No 67 (Spring-Summer) 1999, p19. Short article on the 250,000 forgotten people of the Kosovo war. Whilst the western media continues to distinguish between "good" and "bad" refugees, the Romany people of Kosovo face intimidation, racist attacks and killings by ethnic Albanians, Yugoslav security forces and Serb paramilitaries alike. They are ignored by relief agencies while "the US has announced it will take 20,000 Kosovo refugees, but only ethnic Albanians..." - the Roma were sent back.

Parliamentary debate

London bombings Lords 26.4.99. cols. 44-53

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