Racism & fascism - new material (24)

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Roma Rights. European Roma Rights Centre, Newsletter no 3, 1999. This issue of the newsletter focuses on Roma identities, compiling personal accounts and dealing with Tony Gratlif's (French director of Algerian/Romani origin) latest film Gadjo Dilo. A special section publishes testimonies from Roma in Kosovo, including a list of those reported to have "disappeared" in 1999. Available from: ERRC, H-1525 Budapest 114, P.O. Box 10/24, Hungary, Tel: (361) 428 2351, Fax: (361) 428 2356, e-mail 100263.1130@compuserve.com, net: errc.org

European Race Bulletin. Institute of Race Relations, Bulletin 31 (November) 1999, pp47. The Bulletin contains a round-up of racism and fascism across Europe. It also contains an important and useful feature on "The extreme-Right in local and central government" which includes country profiles and statistics.

Tackling the beast in Brum: fascism and anti-fascism in the West Midlands. Fighting Talk Issue 22 (October) 1999, pp21. Previewing a planned pamphlet this article gives an overview of the history of fascism in the West Midlands which, "heavily populated and industrialised, has long been an important target of the Far Right." Available from Fighting Talk, BM 1734, London WC1N 3XX (?1.50).

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