Racism & fascism - new material (26)
01 March 2000
Report, UNITED, 9.11.99., pp8. This paper commemorates the international day against fascism and anti-semitism last November. It includes reports on events across Europe. Available from UNITED, Postbus 413, NL-1000 AK Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Quelle curve color nazi (Those nazi coloured stands), Guido Caldiron. Avvenimenti 13.2.00, pp 22-24. An article on the growing right-wing influence on fans in the Italian curve (stands). It highlights some of the ideological bases of this phenomenon and the groups identified as being behind the violence which is spreading beyond the confines of the stadium.
European Race Audit, Institute of Race Relations, No 32 (March) 2000, pp44. This issue contains a round-up of immigration, racism and policing issues from across Europe and a feature by Mieke Hoppe and Liz Fekete on the Netherlands.
Second report on Switzerland. European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance CRI(2000)6, 21.3.00., pp19. ECRI's first report on Switzerland was published in March 1998. This report follows-up proposals made in the earlier report, updates material and provides "a more in-depth analysis" of issues of particular concern - in this case, acquisition of citizenship and the granting of residence permits.
Demos, no 60, 2000. The latest issue of the Danish anti-fascist magazine contains articles on the nazi music scene, Blood & Honour Scandinavia and a historical examination of Jonni Hansen and the Danmarks Nationalsocialistiske Bevaegelse (DNSB). Available from Demos, Postbox 1110, 1009 Kobenhavn K, Giro 5 686164, Denmark; email - demos@demos.dk; Homepage - www.demos.dk
Samora Newsletter, Antiracist Center, No 1 2000. Bi-monthly round-up of news concerning racism and discrimination and asylum and immigration in Norway. Available in English from Antiracist Center, PO Box 244, Sentrum 0103 Oslo, Norway.
Progress on race?, Sadiq Khan. Legal Action, April 2000, pp6-7. Khan examines progress on the implementation of the government's action plan set up by the Macpherson inquiry into the racist murder of Stephen Lawrence. He concludes that it is "too early" to reach a conclusion on whether the suggested changes have led to an improvement and advocates continued monitoring.
London Monitor, The Monitoring Group, Issue 3 (Spring) 2000. Latest issue of the (Southall) Monitoring Group's newspaper covers racist attacks in London's Chinatown, demands for an independent investigation into the suspicious deaths of Harold and Jason McGowan in Telford and has a substantial analysis of the Macpherson report into the racist killing of Stephen Lawrence by Lee Bridges.
Movement, National Civil Rights Movement, Issue 1 (Spring) 2000, pp20. The NCRM was initiated over a year ago and has established a network of families who are committed to changing the discriminatory criminal justice system and institutionalised racism that permeates it. This is the first issue of their magazine, which contains updates on a number of the Movement's cases, including the campaigns around Michael Menson, Ricky Reel, Satpal Ram, Christopher Alder and Roger Sylvester. Available from: NCRM, 14 Featherstone Road, Southall, Middlesex UB2 5AA, UK; email - info@ncrm.org.uk; website - www.ncrm.org.uk
No Pasaran, no 75 (March) 2000, pp32. This issue covers the Haider affair and related demonstrations, monitors fascist activities, international solidarity actions in support of immigrants. Criticism of policing and security in France is also included, alongside insights into the Algerian conflict, Morocco, and on the anti-fascist movement in Russia. Available from Reflex - No Pasaran, 21 rue Voltaire, 75011 Paris, France, email: reflex@ecn.org
Aspettando Adolf H. [Waiting for Adolf H.], Annibale Paloscia. Avvenimenti, 2.4.00, pp 8-9. Looks at the increase in racist attacks in Italy, highlighting that the people involved are often viewed as "normal" apart from their involvement in violent racist activities. It focuses on two specific at