Racism & fascism - new material (27)

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Materialien zum Thema Auslander - und fremdenfeindliche Straftaten 1998 und Rechtsextremismus [Materials on racist and xenophobic crimes in 1998 and right-wing extremism]. German parliament, 17.11.99 and 16.2.00, pp217. This dossier compiles written answers from the German government to a range of parliamentary questions concerning right-wing extremism posed by MP Ulla Jelpke (PDS). Includes detailed information and statistics on anti-Semitic and other racist attacks (the place they occurred, the number of arrests and convictions etc) as well as detailed information on rightwing music (distributors, Blood & Honour concerts, bands etc) and press. Available from Buro der Bundestagsabgeordneten Ulla Jelpke, Mauerstr. 34-38, Haus III, 10117 Berlin, Germany; tel 0049-30-22775816; fax: 0049-227-76793.

Second Report on the Czech Republic. European Commission against Racism and Intolerance, 21.3.00, CRI (2000)4, pp23. Issues of particular concern in the Czech Republic: racist violence against the Roma community. Available from ECRI, tel 0049-33-388412964; fax 0049-33-388413987; combat.racism@coe.int.

Hika, no 111, May 2000, pp50. This issue deals with the effective denial of Gypsies' rights as citizens in Spain. Looks at numerous issues including Gypsy identity, exclusion, possible avenues for development, Gypsy women and the penal system, and the work of social services. Data concerning Gypsy population, employment, poverty and literacy levels is also included. Features analysis of the Basque conflict referred to as "tug-of-war politics", and criticism of the role played by the media. Other themes include the situation of prisoners in Spanish jails and an overview of the structure of the Network for the Abolishment of Foreign Debt and its initiatives. Available from: Pena y Goni 13-lo, Donostia 20002, Basque Country, Spain.

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