Racism & fascism - new material (29)
01 January 2001
From Scarman to Lawrence, Stuart Hall. Connections Spring 2000, pp14-16.
A year after the publication of the Macpherson report into the racist murder of Stephen Lawrence Hall considers developments since the Scarman report into the uprisings of 1981. Connections is available from the CRE, Elliot House, 10/12 Allington Street, London SW1E 5EH.
Diversity and equality for Europe: annual report 1999. European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia, pp136.
The report contains sections on "Acts of racism and discrimination", "Combatting racism and discrimination", "Preventative actions taken by the EU" and a number of recommendations. Part 2 reports on the EUMC since it was set up in 1997. Available from the EUMC, Rahlgasse 3, A-1060 Vienna, Austria.
Demos Nyhedsbrev no 62, Efterår 2000, pp24.
This issue of the anti-fascist magazine has several articles on the Danmarks National Socialistiske Bevaegelse (DNSB) and an update on the presence of Blood and Honour in Scandinavia, particularly Denmark, Norway and Finland. Available from: Demos, Postbox 1110, 1009 Kobenhavn, Denmark. Tel 35 35 1212
Bash the Fash: anti-fascist recollections 1984-93, K. Bullstreet. Kate Sharpley Library 2001, pp30, £2, ISBN 1-873605-87-0.
This pamphlet records a decade of struggle against fascism on the streets through the eyes of an anonymous member of the radical Anti Fascist Action (AFA). AFA developed and sustained a policy of confronting fascism physically, as well as ideologically, and neutered the far-right, who boasted that they controlled the streets, on their own terrain.
European Race Bulletin. Institute of Race Relations, no 35, December 2000-February 2001, pp67, ISSN 1463 9696.
Following a summer of right-wing violence and increase in public debate on racism in Germany, this issue provides a special report into the developments since then. It outlines the debates on the possible ban of the far-right NPD, the lack of acknowledgement of institutionalised racism in the German justice system, the Düsseldorf bomb attack, Germany's new Green Card system as well as giving a round up on asylum campaigns and racist attacks. Available from: Institute of Race Relations, 2-6 Leeke Street, London WC1X 9HS, Tel: 0044-20-7837-0041, Fax: 0044-20-7278-0623.
Roma Rights. European Roma Rights Centre, Number 4, 2000.
Apart from monitoring racist attacks against the Roma in eastern Europe, this issue of the ERRC newsletter deals in detail with the phenomenon of racism in Europe, historically and sociologically. Articles also deal with inter-ethnic conflicts in central and eastern Europe since world war two, anti-Roma racism in Hungary and Slovakia in the political arena and a contribution by Robin Oakley on what lessons could be drawn from the UK with regards to institutionalised racism. Available from: ERRC, 1386 Budapest 62, P.O. Box 906/93, Hungary, 0036-1-413-220. Fax: 00 36-1-413-2201, errc@errc.org.
ZAG. Antirassistische Initiative e.V., no 36/37, 4/2000.
This issue deals with the death of the asylum seeker Farid Guendoul and the court case against his killers, which became internationally known for the light sentence passed on 30 November 2000 (see Statewatch vol 10 no 6). Also covered are the state prosecutions against alleged members of the Revolutionary Cells (RZ) which was active in the 1980's (in particular against state institutions responsible for the implementation of the asylum regime). A detailed history of radical resistance against the detention and deportation machinery during the 1980's in Berlin is given, as well an interview with the former RZ member Enno Schwall. This focus on the recent state prosecutions against former members of radical left groups is a deliberate move by the editors to counter the ignorance towards these developments as well as a re-evaluation of a historically important phase in the struggle for the rights of refugees and migrants in Germany. Available from: ZAG, Yorckstr.