Racism & fascism - new material (3)
01 December 1994
Inside Racist Europe Liz Fekete and Frances Webber. Institute of Race Relations' Europe Race Adit 66 pages. Section 1 looks at the "non-citizen as suspect"; policing a suspect community; suspecting the victims. Section 2 "Exporting immigation control". Section 3 provides a country by country summary of immigration policiesand racist and fascist groups. Essential reading. Copies 4.00 each from: Institute of Race Relations 2-6 Leeke Street, London WC1 9HS. Tel: 071 837 0041.
Recreating the "colour bar". CARF 20:4-5 1994. This article examines the return of the "colour bar" in housing and employment and concludes that "anti discrimination legislation and equal opportunities policies are failing to protect black workers..."
Winning the island race Paul Anderson; Tolerance and the intolerable Umberto Eco New Statesman & Society 22.4.94, pp14- 15 & 18-19. On the run-up to the local elections on the Isle of Dogs where the fascist British National Party won a seat last year and the "no platform" policy.
Communities of Resistance: Annual report 1993-94. Newham Monitoring Project pp64 (Available from NMP 382 Katherine Road, London E7 8NW). 1993 saw a tremendous upsurge of racist activity across East London following the election a British National Party candidate in local elections in the Isle of Dogs. The NMP annual report documents the fightback in Newham and continued harassment from the police.
Parliamentary debates
Race Relations (Remedies) Bill Lords 15.3.94. Cols. 182-188 Racism and Anti-Semitism Commons 31.3.94. Cols. 1115-1122