Racism & fascism - new material (31)

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The ‘Fourth Way’ of the ultra-right: Austria, Europe, and the end of neo-corporatism, Oliver Marchart. Capital & Class no 73 (Spring) 2001, pp7-15.

This piece discusses the entry of the neo-nazi Freiheitliche Parti Österreichs (FPÖ) into coalition government with the conservative Österreichs Volkspartei (ÖVP)in February 2000, which prompted short-lived EU sanctions against Austria. Marchant notes that: "For a few months it seemed that the EU-member states were not prepared to accept racist parties in government. Of course, this turned out to be a rather short-lived form of heroism when Austrian ministers threatened to use their power of veto at EU-conferences in order to fight the sanctions by any means."

The making of Injustice and Fighting talk, Tariq Mehmood. Red Pepper no 85 (July) 2001, pp18-22.

Mehmood's articles discuss the background to the making of the film "Injustice", which investigates all too frequent deaths in police, prison and psychiatric custody. Significantly the film provides a voice, beyond the round of public meetings and official hearings, for the relatives of those killed. Some of the police officers and forces involved have gone to extraordinary lengths to try and prevent the film from being shown publically. See also, CARF, August-September 2001.

The new Italy: the rise of fascism within and without, Alfio Bernabei. Searchlight July 2001 pp28-29.

Article commenting on Italy's new government, "the most right-wing coalition since 1946", in which "the list of ministers reads like a who's who of the neo-fascist or xenophobic tendencies". Traces the development of Italian fascism from the Salo Republic to the Movimento Sociale Italiano and now Alleanza Nazionale. Argues that the shift has encouraged an increase in far-right activities including the Association of Duce's Guards guarding Mussolini's tomb and Forza Nuova holding ceremonies in honour of fallen Salo Republic soldiers. Links are being developed between a Forza Nuova delegation and other European neo-fascist organisations in study groups held in Britain, and through the anti-abortion movement.

Antifaschistisches Infoblatt (AIB). Nr 52, 1/2001, pp55, DM6.

This issue argues that far?right activities and racist violence lies at the heart of Germany's institutional and political structures. Articles focus on neo?nazi violence against the homeless and Germany's policies of social exclusion towards migrants and refugees, documenting institutionalised racism in Germany with specific examples. Available from: AIB, Gneisenauer Str. 2a, 10961 Berlin, Tel: 0049?30?694?6795, aib@mail.nadir.org

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