Racism & fascism - new material (34)

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Antifaschistisches Info Blatt (Antifascist Information Bulletin), No. 55 (Spring) 2002 pp.54 (Euro 3.10) This issue focuses on the far-right retail industry: the marketing of Lonsdale products in Germany was just the beginning of a booming nazi culture and music industry, supporting the attraction of youngster to the nazi life-style, many of the shops having found a footing in the mainstream marketing industry. Other articles report on the death of a young Cameroonian after being force-fed emetics in Hamburg in December 2001 and on the nazi presence in rural areas in eastern as well as western Germany. Available from: Antifaschistisches Info Blatt, Gneisenaustrasse 2a, 10961 Berlin, aib@mail.nadir.org.
Flirting with Hitler, John Hooper. Guardian Weekend, 16.11.02. This article identifies the link between Germany's devil worshipping-gothic-esoteric youth culture and the far-right. With an example of a ritual murder carried out in Germany earlier this year, Hooper points out that the connection between goth and pagan culture and fascism has a long tradition in Germany and that the far-right is making a concerted effort to use life-style trends and the entertainment industry to promote fascist ideology and recruit new members. Leading far-right thinkers have put this forward in fascist magazines and far-right newspapers under the title "Culture as a question of power" (Roland Bubik), urging "to open up contemporary cultural and political phenomena to use them for our own purposes" (Simone Satzger).

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