Racism & fascism - new material (55)

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Informe annual 2006 sobre el racismo en el Estado español, SOS Racismo, Icaria editorial, pp. 277, Euro 16. SOS Racismo's annual report on racism in Spain, which inevitably focuses on the tragic deaths during attempts to cross the border fences in Ceuta and Melilla (resulting in at least 14 deaths) and to reach the Spanish coast by sea. Its ten chapters deal with issues including the treatment of Roma and immigrant minors, the discourse adopted by mainstream media on immigration and the impunity enjoyed by members of the public and private security forces when abuses are reported, featuring insightful analysis and details from significant incidents in each field. Available from: SOS Racismo, Bou de Sant Pere, 3, 08003 Barcelona, or: http://www.icariaeditorial.com/libros.php?k=2&o=2&id=748&pg=1 .

2006 local elections analysis, Nick Lowles. Searchlight No 372 (June) 2006. pp.4-14. Detailed look at the performance of the far right in May's local elections.

Touching the Void, Stuart Weir. Red Pepper Issue 142 (June) 2006, pp. 28-29. Article on the local election gains made by the British National Party and how to combat them.

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