Racism & Fascism - new material (61)
01 April 2008
Annual report on racism in the Spanish State. SOS Racismo 17.4.08. In April 2008 SOS Racismo published its Annual Report on racism in Spain. It contains comprehensive information on the different fields in which racism expresses itself, with regards to measures adopted by public authorities, expressions of racism in society or its portrayal in the media. Available: http://www.mugak.eu/
Integration, Islamaphobia and Civil Rights in Europe, Liz Fekete. Institute of Race Relations 2008, pp. See:
2007 BNP Overview. Searchlight January 2008, pp. 16-23. Useful overview of developments in the British National Party during 2007, covering its "failure to consolidate the limited breakthrough the party made in May 2006" and the unsuccessful leadership challenge by Chris Jackson.
One Scotland many cultures, Ian Taggart. SCOLAG Legal Journal no 365 (March) 2008, pp. 66-67. This article presents new research on the views of the Scottish Gypsy/Traveller community. Taggart concludes: "The degree of social exclusion, discrimination and racism suffered by the Gypsy/Traveller community in Scotland is unacceptable and amongst the worst in the United Kingdom. There is no other community in Scotland subjected to such levels of prejudice and harassment, which appears to be accepted by the wider community as the last acceptable form of discrimination."
Report on an Announced Race Relations Audit of Border and Immigration Agency Detention Estate. Focus Consultancy July 2007, pp. 138. This report was commissioned by the Border and Immigration Agency (BIA) following an inquiry by Stephen Shaw, the Prisons and Probation ombudsman, after the television documentary Detention Undercover found acts of racism by staff towards detainees at Oakington detention centre. It documents a catalogue of racist incidents taking place inside Britain's immigration detention centres. The report considers race relations at the immigration removal centres at Campsfield, Colnbrook, Dover, Dungavel House, Harmondsworth, Haslar, Lindholme, Oakington, Tinsley House and Yaris Wood. Examples of racist abuse extends from people being described as "black bastards" at (Colnbrook, which is also described as having a "distressing" and "turbulent" atmosphere) and "donkeys" (Lindholme). The accompanying BIA press release says the report "did not support serious allegations of racism or mistreatment of detainees". See: http://www.bia.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/documents/aboutus/Reports/racerelationsaudit/racerelationsaudit/detentionestatereport.pdf?view=binary
Cultural cleansing? European Race Bulletin (Institute of Race Relations) no 62 (Winter) 2008, pp 36. This issue of the bulletin explores the repackaged "Orientalism". It begins with a summary of anti-mosque campaigns and other actions against Islamic schools and religious texts. It moves on to document initiatives against religious clothing before looking at other measures and statements that stigmatise Muslims as well as immigrants, asylum seekers, Roma and foreigners. IRR email: info@irr.org.uk