Review: Bear in mind these dead

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Bear in mind these dead: an index of deaths from the conflict in Ireland 1969-1993, Malcolm Sutton. Beyond the Pale 1994, pp226, £9.95.

An index of deaths from the conflict in northern Ireland may seem an unusually morbid topic for a book. Unfortunately, the selectivity with which these deaths are reported in the British press makes such a record indispensable. Sutton explains his research thus: "Firstly it is a memorial to all the people who have been killed since 1969...Secondly, I wanted to produce as accurate a record as possible in order to enhance current understandings of the conflict, and as an archive for future historians." The book deals with each death individually, recording them in chronological order with a commentary on the circumstances. An appendix provides an index of names that allows for easy reference. An additional appendix presents a statistical summary and breakdown of killings by the main protagonists.

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