Security and intelligence - new material (5)

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Diplomatic eavesdropping 1922-1944: a new source discovered, Robin Denniston. Intelligence and National Security Vol. 10 no. 3 (July) 1995 pp423-448.

The puppet masters Stephen Dorril. Guardian 18.8.95. Piece on the Foreign Office's anti-communist propaganda unit the Information Research Department based on papers released at the Public Record Office.

Game set and match Robin Ramsey. Tribune 28.7.95. On the Labour Party which has "been much closer to the United States and its foreign policy aims than it wants the electorate - or party members - to know

French intelligence culture: a historical and political perspective, Douglas Porch. Intelligence and National Security Vol. 10, no. 3 (July) 1995, pp486-511.

Spanish inquisition. New Statesman 15.9.95. Piece on the Spanish government's involvement with the Anti-Terrorist Liberation Group (GAL) who killed over twenty people between 1983-1987.

A conspiracy so immense...Murrell, Sgt Speed and Gladio. Stephen Dorrill. Lobster 29 1995 pp20-25. This article investigates stories linking the killing of Hilda Murrell the shooting of Sergeant John Speed the miners' strike and Gladio.

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