Security and intelligence - new material (6)

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Spain's dirty war Darrin Wood. Covert Action Quarterly Winter 1995-96 pp46-51. Substantial piece on the Spanish government sponsored Grupos Aniterroristas de Liberacion (GAL) who ran a campaign of terror against Basques suspected of having links to ETA.

On Her Majesty's Secret Service Richard Norton-Taylor & Nick Davies. Guardian 29.1.96. On the Secret Service Bill which gives MI5 the authority to combat "serious crime". This allows MI5 to enter the area of "law enforcement" - previously the terrain of the police - with an almost total lack of accountability or democratic control.

Culture shock Patrick Hook. Police Review 26.1.96. pp15-16, Interview with Scotland Yard's John Grieve about "intelligence- led policing MI5 and the way ahead."

Parliamentary debates

Security Service Bill Commons 10.1.96. cols. 215-303

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