Security and intelligence - Staff counsellor

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Security and intelligence - Staff counsellor
bacdoc November=1991

Written answer 2 NOVEMBER 1987 Col 512

Mr. Whitney asked the Prime Minister what proposals she has for
the appointment of a staff counsellor for the security and
intelligence services; and if she will make a statement.

The Prime Minister: In the debate which followed my announcement
of the Government's acceptance of the Security Commission's
recommendations in their report on the case of Michael John
Bettaney, I undertook to consider a suggestion that there would
be advantage in designating someone, not himself a member of the
security service, to whom a member of the security service could
turn if he or she had anxieties relating to the work of the
The house will wish to know that Sir Philip Woodfield, KCB,
CBE, has been appointed as a staff counsellor for the security
and intelligence services. He will be available to be consulted
by any member of the security and intelligence services who has
anxieties relating to the work of his or her service which it has
not been possible to allay through the ordinary processes of
management-staff relations. He will have access to all relevant
documents and to any level of management in each service. He will
be able to make recommendations to the head of the service
concerned. He will also have access to the Secretary of the
Cabinet if he wishes and will have the right to make
recommendations to him. He will report as appropriate to the
heads of the services and will report not less frequently than
once a year to me and to my right hon. Friends the Foreign and
Commonwealth Secretary and the Home Secretary as appropriate on
his activities and on the working of the system.

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