Security - new material (18)

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Who sanctioned Britain's death squads? Time for the truth. Sinn Fein 27.5.03. ( Examination of the role of the British governments involvement in the murder of citizens in Ireland, through its security agencies MI5, Military Intelligence and the RUC/PSNI Special Branch. The report contains seven recommendations: i. a public inquiry, ii. disclosure of all information on collusion by British government departments and agencies, iii. publication of the Stevens and Sampson/Stalker reports in full, iv. the disbanding of the FRU/JSG, v. the full implementation of the Patten report on policing and full local democratic accountability, vi. an end to operations by British intelligence agencies aimed at destabilising the peace process, and vii. the Irish government should be afforded full and proper disclosure by the British government on all information vital to the rights and welfare of Irish citizens.

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