Security - new material (3)

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Spooks in the dark, Richard Norton-Taylor and Ian Black. Guardian, 5.5.98. "Analysis" feature on Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ, 4,500 staff with a budget of £440 million), MI5 (1,860 staff budget of £120 million), MI6 (2,000 staff, budget of £140 million) and Defence Intelligence Staff (DIS, budget £150 million).

Steady as she goes: Labour and the spooks, Robin Ramsay. Lobster No. 35 (Summer) 1998, pp28-29. This is a round-up of some recent events from the intelligence world: it covers MI5's plans to destroy files on subversives; Robin Cook at the Foreign Office; the Parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee; the death of journalist Jonathan Moyle in Chile and former MI5 officer David Shayler's revelations.

Germany: Bugging bedrooms: new law on audio and video surveillance. Fortress Europe? May 1998, pp8-11. Summary feature on the discussions in the German parliament on a controversial amendment to the constitution which will allow the police to instal "bugs" and cameras inside private premises.

Parliamentary debate

Lockerbie Commons 29.4.98. cols. 296-302

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