Shifting sands, Sonia Gable, The fringe of the fringe, Lee Marshall and Ultra-right conservative and quasi-patriotic organisations active in Britain, Cato. Searchlight No. 450, January 2013, pp. 5-8.

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These articles review the state of the far-right in Britain. “Shifting Sands” covers the British National Party, British Freedom Party, Britain First, National Front, English Defence League and the British Democratic Party. The “fringe” consists of entries on the British Movement, Combined Ex-Forces, Racial Volunteer Force, Blood and Honour, League of St. George, The Infidels, The Casuals, British People’s Party, Redwatch, Stormfront and Historical Review Press. The “Ultra-right conservative” piece considers Bloomfield Books, British Patriots Society, Conservative Monday Club, England is Ours, England Democrats Party, English Green, English Shieldwall, London Swinton Circle, March for England, National Culturists, Patriotic Forum, Quarterly Review, Shieldwall – National Welfare Association, St George’s Committee, The Steadfast Trust, Swinton Circle, Traditional Britain Group, United British Alliance, We Are the and the Workers of England Union.

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