Spain: Extreme right organise
01 November 1994
The leader of the Moviemiento Social Espanol (Spanish Social Movement), Ricardo Sßenz Ynestrillas, is trying to bring together the different small and dispersed neofascist groups in Spain. Ynestrillas, was prosecuted for his suspected involvement in the murder of Josu Muguruza, of the Basque political party Herri Batasuna, and acquitted for lack of evidence in the Audiencia Nacional (national high court). So far he has managed to bring together four groups - Spanish Social Movement, Spanish Catholic movement, Alternative National Front, Young Nation - and has entered discussions with the Revolutionary National Vanguard and the rest of the National Labour Front. Their first public demonstration under the slogan: "Spain - one single nation" was attended by 500 people in Madrid on 12 October (Columbus Day, also called: The Day of the Race). The speakers attacked, as usual, "separatism" and the Basque patriotic left.
Although the neofascist right in Spain is, for the moment, not as strong as it is in some other European countries their object is to create - on the model of Le Pen and the Italian neofascists - a mass political party which would become active on the "Day After", a reference to the day when the rightwing conservative party, Partido Popular, wins the general election. So far the new movement has distanced itself from violence and skinhead attacks but is viewed with suspicion by the traditional falangist and pro-Franco right.
Kontrola Kontrolpean, Donostia, Euskadi (State of Spain).