Sweden: appeal fails

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On 2 April 1993 the Swedish Supreme Court decided not to review the case of Hans Holmer, the first head of the investigation of the Palme assassination, and PerGoran Nass, the former Chief of the Swedish security police, who were convicted for illegal bugging. The Court of Appeal had sentenced Hans Holmer to a fine of 150 dayfines (a fine proportional to the offender's daily income; the maximum is 180 dayfines) on two counts of illegal bugging, and PerGoran Nass to a conditional sentence and 60 dayfines, on four counts of illegal bugging during 1986. The illegal bugging was primarily directed against Kurds and Palestinians living in Sweden. Hans Holmer later left the police force, while PerGoran Nass now is chief of the police in Uppsala, one of the largest Swedish towns.

Swedish Text-TV.

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