Sweden: Fascism

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Sweden: Fascism
artdoc April=1995

Scandal over IKEA founder's nazi past

The Stockholm daily newspaper, Expressen, has revealed that the
founder of the world famous furniture chain IKEA was involved in
nazi groups in his youth, having discovered the name of Ingvar
Kamprad in the archives of the pro-nazi activist Per Engdahl
(International Herald Tribune 9.11.94, Guardian 9.11.94).

Distribution of Mein Kampf stopped

A Swedish company, Hagglund, is to be prosecuted for breach of
copyright after hundreds of copies of Mein Kampf were confiscated
by the Swedish authorities at the request of the state of
Bavaria, which owns the copyright and has tried to block
distribution (Guardian 22.12.94).

IRR European Race Audit, Bulletin no 12, March 1995. Contact: Liz
Fekete, Institute of Race Relations, 2-6 Leeke Street, London
WC1X 9HS. Tel: 0171 837 0041

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