Sweden: PM "bugged"
01 July 1997
Conservative MP Jerry Martinger revealed in the Swedish television program "Svar Direkt" (Direct Answer) that the police had tapped a telephone in a restaurant used by the Social Democratic Prime Minister during the period he was forming a new government. Martinger did not reveal which Swedish Prime Minister he was referring to but since he was a prosecutor during the 1980s, it is presumed that he was in fact talking about Olaf Palme.
Martinger: "I can tell you that while I was working as a prosecutor in narcotic matters, I was sitting with the police, listening while a Swedish Prime Minister was forming his new government from a slot (coin-operated) telephone. The slot telephone was in a restaurant where serious drug criminals used to meet. From this telephone, the Prime Minister called and discussed which people he wanted, and which he did not want, to have as ministers in his new government."
The Swedish law on telephone-tapping forbids the use of information not directly connected with the investigation, gained via telephone tapping.
Svar Direkt, 4.9.97.